remotecopy - copy from remote terminals into your local clipboard

Problem # I copy and paste all the time. Most of the time, I copy short pieces of information that are too long to type (I’m lazy) but too short to setup anything more complex (wget, scp, etc.). For a while, this was fine as most of my copy targets were either local to my system or in a terminal window on a remote server. However, as I increased my use of splits in tmux and windows in vim, highlighting remote text with my mouse became horribly cumbersome.
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Octopress migration details

As is customary for those who’ve converted from WordPress to Octopress, here’s a quick post about my experience converting this blog. Getting the blog up and running was a cinch, especially with a good example to examine when I had questions. Converting old entries # To convert my WordPress entries, I turned to exitwp. It worked pretty well, but I ran into two issues. The first was that the YAML blob at the top of the converted posts wasn’t formatted correctly.
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Git submodules vs. subtrees for vim plugins, part 2

When I talked about submodules vs. subtrees before, one of the things I listed as a benefit for subtrees was the speed of the initial clone. I’d written a few scripts to help me benchmark the two, and with a little extra time that I have this weekend, I thought I’d share the data. I generated 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 plugin repositories for both submodules and subtrees and cloned each one ten times over both a local and a remote connection.
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jQuery Conference: Boston

A couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of crossing the country to attend the jQuery conference in Boston. It was a unique opportunity for me. While we use jQuery extensively at work, I haven’t done much with it lately. However, since we have a few projects coming up that will be web focused, so it was a timely occurrence. I went with my good friend and coworker David (I’d link to his blog, but he doesn’t have one yet, cough) and another coworker, Erin, who had been to Boston before.
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dfm updates: uninstall and updatemergeandinstall

In my dfm talk a couple weeks ago, I listed out some low hanging fruit; just a few things that I thought would be easy to add to the system. Well, this past weekend, I went to the jQuery conference in Boston. It was a great conference in its own right, and I hope to post on it this week, but for now I want to talk about the improvements I made to dfm while on the plane.
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dfm presentation at

A couple days ago, I did a presentation on my dotfiles manager (dfm) at the local Perl Mongers meeting. It was a phenomenally rewarding experience. The Perl community has always been fun and engaging and this meeting was no different. Here’s the source for the slides and a PDF rendering for ease of perusing. It’s a good overview of current usage as well as a laundry list of future features.
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Scalatra on Dotcloud

I couldn’t easily find information on this, so here’s a summary for those that go after me. A working example is in the sbt-scalatra-on-dotcloud branch of my fork of my friend’s sbt-scalatra-example project. If it gets merged in, I’ll update this post. The sbt-scalatra-example project combines two great technologies. The first is Scalatra, a super light-weight web framework for Scala that’s modeled after Ruby’s Sinatra. The second is the simple-build-tool (sbt), a tool for building Scala applications that’s more like rake (config file written in real programming language) than make or ant/maven (config file written in an abstract form).
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YAPC::NA 2011

I’m about to finish up my time here in beautiful North Carolina. The rental car is returned and I’m waiting for my plane to arrive and take me back to the west coast. It’s been a week chock full of great information. It’s a good thing that the conference was only three days long though, my brain is tired. It’s going to take a while to process all the new data I have, but here are three highlights:
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