Notes: re:Invent 2015
- Videos on Youtube (organized into playlists)
- Slides on SlideShare
Day 1 - Wednesday
Freedom to innovate
Scalability, large suite of services
Freedom to get insights from data
Storage, analysis.
Announce QuickSight: cloud powered BI/viz
- Sputz: query runner
- Can share visualizations.
- 1/10th the cost of other solutions.
- Supports all AWS data stores.
- Automatically selects best viz for data
- Pluggable backend for other data analysis tools
Freedom to get data into or out of the cloud easily
Streaming data. Kenesis requires custom code now.
Announce: Kenesis Firehose
Stream data into AWS S3/Redshift to start Compress or Encrypt
Large volumes of data. Import/Export currently.
Announce: Snowball
Shippable storage device. Encrypted, tamper proof 50 TB to start.
Freedom from bad (database) relationships
Lock in with commercial, hard to scale open source
Aurora is their answer from last year.
Announce: MariaDB
Migration is hard too. Expensive tools, high risk.
Announce: Database Migration Service
- Synchronization
- Dashboard to see progress
- $3 for 1T
Moving from proprietary to open source
Announce: Schema Conversion Tool
- Free
- Avail today
- Converts functions too
Migration for applications is hard too
GE story
Accenture announce business group. To help people move into the cloud. Cloud Sherpas.
Freedom to secure your cake and eat it too
VPC and WAF for now. Encryption, identity, compliance. AWS config.
Announce: AWS Config Rules
Rules on what must be in place Eg enforce tagging rule.
Announce: Amazon Inspector
Detect and remediate security issues. Assessments and tracking.
Stripe story
Freedom to say yes
Yes to projects
MLB NHL too.
DVO317 - From Local Docker Development to Production Deployments
Speaker: Jérôme Petazzoni
Desc: In this session, we will learn how to define and run multi-container applications with Docker Compose. Then, we will show how to deploy and scale them seamlessly to a cluster with Docker Swarm; and how Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) eliminates the need to install,operate, and scale your own cluster management infrastructure. We will also walk through some best practice patterns used by customers for running their microservices platforms or batch jobs. Sample code and Compose templates will be provided on GitHub afterwards.
Code for sample application: sample url (only worked during presentation)
Interesting command docker-compose build
- rebuild images
- Docker machine can create EC2 instances
- Docker swarm to wrap them into a cluster
- create cluster with aws best practices
- coming soon from AWS
Scripts used in presentation:
dev docker compose yaml file -> production compose file:
- build each image
- tag with unique number
- push to registry
- replace
Service discovery - connect with ambassadors
Examples for ambassadors: Simple training wheels application
ECS CLI will take compose file and convert to task file!
- only image definitions, no build
- has to fix up yaml indenting
jpetazzo/hamba - load balancing ambassador container
Network ambassadors, sharing the network namespace
main difference between using ecs-cli and swarm is that the former scales up the whole stack at a time and the latter allows scaling individual services
Ambassador can also:
- inject credentials
- be a smarter proxy
- use another AWS service where appropriate (elasticache, rds)
Day 2 - Thursday
AWS well-architected framework. White paper. Four areas, dozen questions each area.
Six laws every architect should know.
Lucas Critique
Analyzing data.
Announce: Kenesis Analytics (sign up page)
- Time series analysis of streaming data. Avail next year.
- Can leverage s3
Galls Law
Simple system -> complex system, never was complex from start.
VMs; Containers, and then Lambda is the simplest.
First VMs:
Announce: X1 instance type
- 2TB of RAM
- 100 cores
- Avail 1H 2016
Smaller? Announce: T2 nano
512 M Avail later this year
Now Containers:
PaaS, batch processing
- Remind story
- Micro services powered by containers.
- Kicked off Empire, thin layer on top of ecs
Simpler management.
Announce: container registry
- Fully managed, secure
- Avail later this year, sign up today
Announce: AZ aware scheduler
Announce: ecs cli, integration with compose
Announce: Cloudwatch dashboards
Now Lambda:
“No server is easier to manage than no server” – W.Vog
Lots of integrations already, API, mobile, SNS
Announce: (blog post)
- VPC support
- Long running functions
- Scheduled functions
- Custom Retry logic
- Python for Lambda
Law of Demeter
Limited knowledge
Lots of mobile applications now, gaming, productivity, banking.
Announce: Mobile Hub
- Choose and configure, pick components, guides you through the process
- Download the source, iOS and android
- Build?
Occam’s Razor
Fewest assumptions.
- IoT
- Massive data (genome) into S3
- Science streaming into the cloud.
- Commercial IoT
BMW story, cars are more connected, more sensors
Reed’s Law
Utility of network increases with size
IoT greenhouse in expo hall
Announce: AWS IoT
Helping build IoT apps
Connecting devices to the cloud
Mqtt protocol
Security with x509
Data collection/analysis in AWS, trigger lambda
Avail in beta today
Adding device gateway to collect mqtt protocol
Paired with rules engine to route and query
Registry to store data about your devices and query
How do you communicate to the device? Device Shadow. A proxy for the device that will handle retry, etc.
SDK for C, JS, and arduino.
John Deere story
The Gestalt Principle
Whole greater than sum of parts
Intel story
DAT407 - Amazon ElastiCache: Deep Dive
Speaker: Nate Wiger (AWS), Tom Kerr (Riot)
Desc: Peek behind the scenes to learn about Amazon ElastiCache’s design and architecture. See common design patterns of our Memcached and Redis offerings and how customers have used them for in-memory operations and achieved improved latency and throughput for applications. During this session, we review best practices, design patterns, and anti-patterns related to Amazon ElastiCache.
Big difference between Memcached and Redis
- Multithreaded
- No persistence
- Flat cache, k/v
- Low maintenance, easy to scale horizontally
- Single threaded
- Persistence
- Advanced data types
- Advanced features: rtomic counters, messaging
- replicas, failover
ElastiCache with Memcached
For development, use a one node cluster For production, spread across AZs For extreme low latency, create cluster per AZ
When adding nodes:
- traffic is spread across all nodes
- it’s like flushing part of your cache. gradually add nodes instead of all at once
- Consistent hashing maps to node, use a library for it (and make sure that it’s enabled)
- Libraries can autoconfigure with config endpoint
- Also could put a proxy in between servers and ElastiCache (twemproxy or mcrouter)
- Convenient for not impacting live code config
- Good for big pool or change a lot
- Additional layer of latency
App Caching Patterns:
- Lazy cache, query db on cache miss
- Write through cache, write to cache when updating it
- TTLs should be set on all cache keys
- Short TTL for front page top stories (just enough to relieve pressure)
- Long TTL for infrequently changing data
ElastiCache with Redis
Use cases:
- Real time leaderboard, built on sorted sets, Redis keeps a ranked list of entries
- counters and hashes for likes and rankings
- Chat (pub/sub) or server to server communication
Deployment is basically identical in development.
In production:
- Multi AZ is supported
- Async replication to read replicas (chance for data loss)
- Snapshots for back up can be done from read replicas
- Automatically failover, like RDS (1-2 minutes of downtime)
- For read-heavy applications, can add more nodes
Splitting Redis by Purpose
- Key caveat: You can’t partition your data, so can only scale vertically
- Solve this by splitting (sharding) by purpose (e.g. counters and leaderboards)
Soon, Lambda will be able access ElastiCache because of VPC support
Performance Tuning
Monitor with Cloudwatch:
- CPUUtilization (up to 90%)
- For redis, number is divided by cores (90% / 4 = 22.5%)
- SwapUsage - make sure it’s zero
- Evictions - make sure it’s low
- Exception: russian doll caching (popularized by Rails 4) - always cache w/o timeouts and let the cache engine handle expiration
- CacheMisses / CacheHits Ration - low
- CurrConnections - should be stable
- MOre detail in whitepaper:
Scaling it up: Snapshot, spin up new cluster from snapshot
Specific issues:
- Thundering herd
- Slowly bring up new nodes
- Randomize TTLs
- Redis Failover
- Watch out for dns cache (and
- Can use promote button to test application flexibility
- Redis backups
- Forks main redis to write out memory
- Potentially doubles memory usage, if high throughput app
- Set ‘reserved-memory’ as off limits to redis
Enhancments only on ElastiCache
- Forkless backups
- More robust replication under heavy loads
- Optimized replica resync on failover, to make failover less awful
- Two new cloudwatch metrics
Use case by Riot Games
Very player focused company. He works on the comment infrastructure and leaderboards
- JS drop in to any page, basically like Disqus
- On boards as well
- Backed with ElastiCache, Redis as main data store
- To compensate for failure
- Configure replication across availability zones
- Automatic failover
- Lots of snapshots
- Packer to build images
- CLI scripts and Jenkins to automate
- Millions of requests to redis
- Backend is ElastiCache
- They do memory optimization (see docs)
CMP406 - Amazon ECS at Coursera: Powering a general-purpose near-line execution microservice, while defending against untrusted code
Speaker: Brennan Saeta (Coursera), Frank Chen (Coursera)
Desc: Coursera has helped millions of students learn computer science through MOOCs ranging from Introduction to Python, to state-of-the-art Functional-Reactive Programming in Scala. Our interactive educational experience relies upon an automated grading platform for programming assignments. But, because anyone can sign up for a course on Coursera for free, our systems must defend against arbitrary code execution.
Come learn how Coursera uses AWS services such as Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS), and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to power a defense-in-depth strategy to secure our infrastructure against bad actors. We have modified the Amazon ECS Agent to support security layers including kernel privilege de-escalation, and enabling mandatory access control systems. Additionally, we post-process uploaded grading container images to defang binaries.
At the core of automated grading is a general-purpose near-line & batch scheduling and execution microservice built on top of the Amazon ECS APIs. We use this flexible system to power a variety of internal services across the company including data exports for instructors, course announcement emails, data reconciliation jobs, and more.
In this session, we detail aspects of our success from implementing Docker and Amazon ECS in production, providing ideas for your own scheduling, execution and hardening requirements.
Intro to Coursera
Online learning, 1300 courses, 2.5 Mil participants
Nearline batch execution framework
Batch processing: Reporting, instructors and internal
Scheduled processing:
Nearline processing: Peer review matching (human grading), grading programming assignments
Started off with two systems:
- Cascade - PHP based job runner
- Polling for new jobs
- Fragile and unreliable
- Saturn - Scala based backend
- Based on quartz
- Same JVM made for contention
Desired solution:
- Reliable
- Easy development
- Easy deployment
- High efficiency - start job in 15 seconds, important for nearline
- Low ops load - only one devops engineer
- Cost effective
- Home-grown - unreliable, difficult to coord and sync
- Mesos - need expertise, hard to productize
- Kubernetes - need expertise, not managed
Found ECS was the right fit, but needed a little more on top
Built Iguazu - batch job scheduler
- API on front
- Storage in cassandra
- Uses SQS to notify backend
- Initially used ECS scheduler, moved to their own
- prevent running on terminating instances
- prevent termination when jobs are running
They wrote a Scala API for scheduling jobs
Deployment is done via Jenkins
- Creates a new image
- Uploads to registry
- Updates ECS
Use SumoLogic for log analysis, wrap job name and job id at start of log lines for easy searching
Use DataDog for metrics
Evaluating programming assignments
Docker container contains analysis and test code.
Security challenge: running untested code from students
First solution:
Individuals would test code in a separate AWS account, custom grader systems, or local desktops
- No autoscaling
- Non-standard security
- Instability
Desired a shared platform for
- cost savings
- no maintenance
- near real time
- unified security model
See slides for Threat Model
created GrID - Grading Inside Docker
- upload assignment to S3
- Scheduled job on Iguazu
Possible attacks:
- Resource exhaustion
- mem/cpu/swap
- Hard cgroup limits are set
- timeout for container execution
- btrfs limits (quota and iops throttling)
- Kernel resource exhaustion
- open files, process limits
- Limit kernel memory per cgroup to prevent too many forks
- execution time limit
- Network attacks
- Bitcoin miner, DoS against other systems, access AWS apis to gain information
- Solution is to deny network access
- Had to modify ECS agent to allow specify network modes (he says that as of this morning, that is true)
- Disabling networking is too much (some exersizes require localhost networking)
- Switched to –net=none + deny net_admin + audit network
Protections against container engine vulnerabilities:
They use apparmor because they’re on ubuntu
Required another modification of ECS agent, no longer needed
Drop capabilities
No root in containers
- Pull apart uploaded images
- Clear setuid off all binaries
- C wrapper to do additional checks
Their system for modifying images required another ECS agent modification to allow specifying
Regularly terminate ASG instances in case someone escaped
CloudTrail for audit logs
Third party monitoring by ThreatStack
Synack for pen testing
Grading is communicated via a shared filesystem, to a python co-process
Lessons learned:
- Latest kernels
- btrfs - Ubuntu 14.04 is not new enough
- Monitor disk usage carefully
- Deployment tooling is absolutely necessary
CMP301 - AWS Lambda and the Serverless Cloud
Speaker: Tim Wagner
Desc: With AWS Lambda you can easily build scalable microservices for mobile, web, and IoT applications or respond to events from other AWS services without managing infrastructure. In this session you’ll see demonstrations and hear more about newly launched features, as well as a recap of the languages, tools, and features added over the last several months. We’ll show you how to use Lambda to build mobile backends, create web, IoT, and voice-enabled apps, and extend both AWS and third party services by triggering Lambda functions – all without the need for servers or other infrastructure. We’ll also provide productivity and performance tips for getting the most out of your Lambda functions and show how cloud native architectures use Lambda to eliminate “cold servers” and excess capacity without sacrificing scalability or responsiveness.
Overview of Lambda, why you would use it
Use Lambda for processing incoming email in SES
Now can use Lambda to process logs from CloudWatch Logs
Python 2.7, available today, includes boto3
Longer running functions: up to 5 minutes
Scheduled jobs for checking external services (could use to check websites)
New feature: versioning
- Specified by number
- Instead of “upload”, you use “publish” to make an immutable copy
- automatically makes a version numbered version (1, 2, 3, etc.)
- also can create aliases
IoT rules can call Lambda functions
New feature: VPC Access
- allows access to resources that are protected inside a VPC (RDS, ElastiCache, EC2)
- VpcConfig config section in function definition
- includes subnet and security group ids
Day 3 - Friday
STG406 - Using S3 to Build and Scale an Unlimited Storage Service for Millions of Consumers
Speakers: Tarlochan Cheema (AWS), Kevin Christen (AWS)
Desc: Amazon Cloud Drive’s plans to provide a low cost, unlimited storage service presented a major engineering challenge. In this session, you learn how the Amazon Cloud Drive team designed and optimized the storage back-end, Amazon S3, to handle millions of users while containing infrastructure costs. In this session, the lead engineers share details of how they built the service for massive scale, and the regular steps they take to increase performance and efficiency. They also describe proven techniques for scaling and optimization, learned from experience.
What is Cloud Drive? - unlimited cloud storage for consumers
- No free tier
- Unlimited photos, 5G of space for other (free for Prime)
- Unlimited everything
For developers:
- APIs
- Mobile SDKs
- Revenue sharing
Key challenges
- Number of users
- Number of files
- Velocity of content
- Metadata variety
- indexing and querying
- Logs
Design goals
Typical for large scale data storage:
scalable, durable, reliable, low latency, RESTful, low cost, etc.
- Main processing on EC2
- S3 for content storage
- DynamoDB for metadata
- Transcoder, CloudSearch, SNS
- Kinesis for feeding analysis systems
Use of S3
- Content (main and derived)
- Standard storage
- Randomly generated keys (keeps load even across partitions)
- Server side encryption
- Log files
- 800 servers running (peaking to 1000)
- 200G of logs an hour
- Archived by Timber log service
- Encrypts and stores in S3
- Types
- Application - time and severity stamped
- Service logs, per invocation - standard format across Amazon, source for metrics
- Wire logs
- No access logs
- Analysis = Instances -> S3 -> EMR -> S3 -> RedShift
- Dynamic configuration (across the fleet)
- Heavy use of feature toggles (enable for test customers, % of customers, or on for everyone)
- Config files stored in S3
- Poll with GetObjectMetadata and reload file if ETag has changed
- DynamoDB backups
- They use the standard Java SDK
Challenges and design decision
- 1: Upload size variation
- Text files to VM images
- Solution is size aware
- < 15M is just uploaded
- Use multipart upload to S3 for large files, using a threadpool
- 2: Rapid upload availability
- Some content require processing
- Solution: use sync, async and optimistic sync processing
- Example: images - sync extract of exif
- Example: video - async transcoding to other formats
- Example: Document transformation to PDF - optimistic sync, or try sync with a timeout
- 3: Intermiettent connections
- Uploads used to be in a single connection, not good for mobile devices
- Solution: ability to resume an upload
- Use HTTP Content-Range header
- Problem: Upload to S3 must be done with a single instance’s credentials
- Switched to STS solution, could have done pre-signed urls
- Blog post:
- 4: Download size variation
- Solution: size aware logic
- < 5M - simple get object, sync; covers 90% of files
- larger - parallel download logic using Apache HTTPClient, range requests
- Solution: size aware logic
- 5: Thumbnails of large images
- Most generated on the fly, at request time
- Large files are harder
- Solution: Another bucket as an infinite cache
- Save medium size to second bucket with expiration of 48 hours
- Create smaller size to serve
- Subsequent accesses use second bucket’s copy
- Use metadata from request to generate key so you don’t have to hit the DB
- 6: Large direct downloads
- Downloading usually is done via the service as intermediary
- Large files with no transformations are hard
- Solution: Use an S3 presigned url
- S3 is flexible
- Selecting keys is important
- Upload and Download strategies should vary based on file size
- Network is unreliable. Retry, but only up to a limit.
DAT304 - Amazon RDS for MySQL: Best Practices
Speaker: Abdul Sait (AWS), Kevin Rice (AirBnB)
Desc: Learn how to monitor your database performance closely and troubleshoot database issues quickly using a variety of features provided by Amazon RDS and MySQL including database events, logs, and engine-specific features. You will also learn about the security best practices to use with Amazon RDS for MySQL as well as how to effectively move data between Amazon RDS and on-premises instances. Hear from Amazon RDS customer Airbnb about the best practices they have implemented in their RDS for MySQL architectures.
New in RDS
- Max size to 6T
- Simplified Reserved instances
- Encryption at rest, HIPAA compliance
- Migration Service
- Create cross region snapshots
- Can keep a warm standby for DR
- Base for migration or testing data
- Encryption at rest
- KMS, etc.
- Database migration with minimal downtime
- Migration Service
- Cross version or cross engine
- Expressed as a task that can be reused in production
- Conversion Tool
- Design for cost
- GP2 storage - SSD, earn credits like T2
- get a larger storage, even when you don’t need it
- Burst capacity
- GP2 storage - SSD, earn credits like T2
From Airbnb
- Doubling number of engineers every year
- RDS stores most important data
- sync_binlog=0 for performance reasons, would like it to be 1
- Snapshots for data analytics, point in time restore to extract and then destroyed
- System called Spinal Tap
- Binlog streaming
- Server watches the binlog and invalidates cache
- DR - extreme scenario
- Back up with mysqldump to S3, pulled into a different account
- Future work
- Cross region read replicas
- horizontal sharding
- Partitioning
- Aurora
SEC314-R - NEW LAUNCH! AWS Config/Config Rules: Use AWS Config Rules to Improve Governance over Configuration Changes to Your Resources (Repeat Session)
Speaker: Prashant Prahlad (AWS)
Desc: AWS Config enables you to discover what resources are used on AWS, understand how resources are configured and gives you unprecedented visibility into changes to configurations over time – all without disrupting end user productivity. With Config Rules, you can continuously evaluate whether changes to resources are compliant with policies. You can set up predefined rules, provided and managed by AWS, or author your own rules using Amazon Lambda, and these rules are evaluated whenever relevant resources are modified. You can use this visibility and control to assess and improve your security and compliance posture.
We will dive deep into other new capabilities in AWS Config and cover how you can integrate with IT service management, configuration management, and other tools. In this session, we will look at:
AWS Config Rules – how to create and use rules that govern configuration changes recorded by AWS Config. New capabilities in AWS Config – Usability changes, better controls and other enhancements Mechanisms to aggregate deep visibility across AWS to gain insights into your overall security and operational posture. This session is best suited for administrators, security-ops and developers with a focus on audit, security and compliance.
Visibility is foundational for security
- Either there is no visibility, just hope
- Or a CMDB
In the cloud, visibility is even more important because of the power of software
- Poll Describe APIs
- Maintain infra to store results
- Lots of duplicate data
- Normalize formats
AWS Config is just that:
- Inventory of existing resources
- Discovery of new resources
- Record changes continuously
- Notify when changes happen
- Historical data as well
- Preconfigured
- Custom rules via Lambda
- Invoked continuously
- Dashboard for visualizing compliance
Getting started with Rules:
- Open Config
- Select type of resources to record
- Create S3 bucket to deliver data to
- Create SNS topic to send notifications
- Grant access
Multi region patterns:
- SNS topic in each region
- SQS in target region
- Common bucket in target region
Key Concepts:
Configuration Item - a point in time representation of the configuration of the resource
- Metadata - information about the configuration
- Common Attributes - resource id, tags, type, arn
- Relationships - how it is connected
- Current Configuration - information specific to the resource
- Related Events - cloudtrail event id
Dashboard allows searching for resources and viewing each configuration item
What can we do with Config Rules?
- Managed rules - prebuilt rules, managed by AWS
- 7 to start, eg EBS volumes must be encrypted, EIPs must be attached, SGs should have no open ports, CloudTrail to be enabled.
- Customer managed rules - self maintained rules, run in Lambda in your account
- Can use partner created rules too
- Can specify parameters, show up in rule creation
- Creation
- Create Lambda function
- Grant permissions to function (to write to Config)
- Configure the custom rule in Config
Triggered in two ways:
- Changes, scoped to a tag or resource type or resource id
- Evaluation is the result of applying a rule against a resource
- Time
Use Cases:
- Security analysis
- Audit compliance
- Change management
- Can pipe changes into existing CMDB or use as a datasource for CMDBs
- Troubleshooting
- Discovery
Adding rules are simple, can see result of applying rules and drill into resources. Can also see what rules apply to which resources.
Everything is available via CLI and API as well.
- EC2
- CloudTrail
- IAM support now
Growing ecosystem
Pricing: Only when recording configuration item ($0.003/CI)
Config Rule: $2.00 per rule per month, with 20K evaluations per active rule (shared among all rules, like family plan). $0.0001 per evaluation after that.
Misc notes
Other talks to watch
ARC340 - Multi-tenant Application Deployment Models (Video)
DAT401 - Amazon DynamoDB Deep Dive: Schema Design, Indexing, JSON, Search, and More (Video)
DVO205 - Monitoring Evolution: From Flying Blind to Flying by Instrument (Video)
MBL302 - Building Scalable, Serverless Mobile and Internet of Things Back Ends (Video)
BDT209 - NEW LAUNCH! Amazon Elasticsearch Service for Real-time Data Analytics and Visualization (Video)
DVO209 - JAWS: The Monstrously Scalable Serverless Framework – AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and More! (Video)
GAM401 - Build a Serverless Mobile Game with Amazon Cognito, Lambda, and DynamoDB (Video)
STG403 - Amazon EBS: Designing for Performance (Video)
DVO202 - DevOps at Amazon: A Look at Our Tools and Processes
ARC310 - Solving Amazon’s Catalog Contention and Cost with Amazon Kinesis (Video)
CMP401 - Elastic Load Balancing Deep Dive and Best Practices (Video)
GAM402 - Turbine: A Microservice Approach to Three Billion Game Requests a Day (Video)
DEV310 - CI/CD of Services with Mocking and Resiliency Testing Using AWS (Video)
CMP307 - Using Spot Instances for Production Workloads
SEC304 - Architecting for HIPAA Compliance on AWS (Video)
STG401 - Amazon S3 Deep Dive and Best Practices (Video)
BDT318 - Netflix Keystone: How Netflix Handles Data Streams Up to 8 Million Events Per Second (Video)
DVO308 - Docker & ECS in Production: How We Migrated Our Infrastructure from Heroku to AWS (Video)
DVO304 - AWS CloudFormation Best Practices (Video)
SEC318 - AWS CloudTrail Deep Dive (Video)
BDT307 - Zero Infrastructure, Real-Time Data Collection, and Analytics (Video)
CMP302 - Amazon EC2 Container Service: Distributed Applications at Scale (Video)
LT119 - Python, Go, and the Cost of Concurrency in the Cloud
ARC309 - From Monolithic to Microservices: Evolving Architecture Patterns in the Cloud (Video)
SEC401 - Encryption Key Storage with AWS KMS at Okta (Video)
DEV301 - Automating AWS with the AWS CLI (Video)
SPOT203 - Fourth Annual Startup Launches, Hosted by Werner Vogels
CMP403 - AWS Lambda: Simplifying Big Data Workloads (Video)j
ARC301 - Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users (Video)
DVO313 - Building Next-Generation Applications with Amazon ECS (Video)