
Title: Designing Front End Applications with core.async
Conference: Online Webinar
Speaker: David Nolen
Date: 2014-08-22


Frontend usually means Javascript. But the code can get ugly pretty fast.

JS’ solutions to async:

  • Callbacks
  • Promises

ClojureScript was created 3 years ago to introduce Clojure concepts to the frontend. Iterop was a priority.

Google Clojure compiler is the way to deliver the final product

  • Minification
  • Dead code elimination
  • Standard library


A little over a year old.

Based on CSP, which is superior to callbacks as it handles both:

  • One-off tasks (handled fine with callbacks)
  • Streams/queues ( not handled)

go blocks give illusion of blocking in single threaded context, eliminates callback hell


  • Channels - a conduit between different processes, a pipe
  • Buffers - intermediate storage for channels, configurable
  • Transducers - (new!) efficient way to control how values enter and exit the channel
  • Go blocks - async blocks of execution, illusion of blocking operations in single threaded

Core operations

  • Putting into a channel
  • Taking values from a channel
  • Selecting over multiple channels

10 short examples of core.async (

Example 1

code in src/webinar/core.cljs


  • line 14 is good example of interop
  • events->chan - read out dom events from the browser
  • mouse-loc->vec - extract a vector from a mouse event
  • show! - convenience for putting info into the dom


  • ex1 - one click
  • ex2 - two click
  • ex3 - two channels
  • ex4
    • What happens when a channel is blocked
    • put blocks until there’s a taker
  • ex5
    • fixing the above with two go blocks
    • semantics: go blocks are async processes
  • ex6
    • first transducer mapping the mouse event into a vector
    • local event loop
    • alts! selects over channels, mouse move and the clicks channel, reads from first available
  • ex7
    • same as previous, but more transducers
      • composed together the transformation with a filter
  • ex8
    • example of using loop to store a local state
  • ex9
    • code that you might see in a real UI
    • listen to both buttons while keeping track of which animal is shown
  • ex10
    • async/merge - takes more than one channel and merges them

Other resources


How do you take the small pieces and compose them together to a big application?

  • Think about your events at a high level - What are the abstract events that my application is about?
  • Shared language between components, delivered via channels

What are the args the (chan) function?

  • Integer (for buffer size) or buffer
  • Transducer collection

With the transducers, this is probably where core.async makes the most sense in the UI

Are there any libraries for large components?

  • with React, there are many components

Are chan’s suitable for two way binding?

  • Flux is for free in CLJS
  • Transducers are the stream processing

Use node to render template server side?

Embedded fast java runtime in Java 8 Nashorn?

Can you monitor channel buffers?

No, you can’t. They’re purposely opaque. You’ll end up with concurrency bugs.

Channel comprehensions?

Multiple transformations in a channel or one per transformation.

You can send channels over channels. Look at Golang for inspiration.

Closing comments

This is the start of a series of more talks, about Transit and other things.